Business Intelligence Optimized for Impact

Megascope Data exists to turn data into insights and insights into actions. We work with amazing nonprofits to help make their communities better, more free, and more equal.  

We specialize in pulling simple, accurate stories from complex data. We love optimizing business intelligence tools for impact, not just profit. Our main goal is to transform how organizations think about, talk about, and experience their data.  

We started Megascope because we saw a need. Business Intelligence solutions are oriented toward helping companies move product, close leads, and maximize profit. While those goals are good, we found that the organizations in our circles—mostly nonprofit and government agencies—were underserved by the "generic" version of business analytics. From there we started a journey toward creating impact-focused Power BI solutions. After years of honing and iteration, we wanted to share our efforts with the world, and so we started Megascope Data. 

Our Services

We offer a broad range of data and reporting services, from bringing a single, small dataset to life with a Microsoft Power BI dashboard, to implementing a new companywide dataflow optimized for Business Intelligence. While Power BI and dashboards are an important part of our services, we never underestimate the value of a timely spreadsheet or pdf report reaching the right person. We would love to consult with you and your team to improve and streamline your current data processes.

Our Business Intelligence Process

After understanding the scope, audience, and goals of a project, we structure our approach to building Power BI products into four steps. Using Agile methodology, we can move through all four steps quickly and get a workable pilot dashboard in your hands in days. From there we can drop into any step to develop the best possible solution for your needs - often in the course of just a few short sprints. 

4 data storage cylinders


Understand and organize data sources

A cloud with a gear icon on the side


Connect sources and create a high-quality Data Model

A computer processor chip


   Enable new insights by creating new variables

A computer monitor


 Spur action by publishing interactive reports

Ready to transform your relationship with your data? Contact us!