photo of Caleb

About Caleb

Caleb Goodrum, founder and principal at Megascope Data, has been making data accessible and actionable for over a decade. From his service as an Air Force Intelligence officer, to launching and running a nonprofit startup, to directing data and reporting for a statewide 211 service, helping people make good decisions based on good data has always been central to his work. He's always had a passion for crafting the perfect data story for his audience, from Colonels and Generals to Directors, Donors, and Executives.

He is most passionate about helping people live free and equal lives with their families and in their communities. Equity and Justice are foundational values for him. 

Outside of work, you'll most likely find him cooking or eating a meal with family and friends, brewing or drinking very good coffee, or at the local Korean or Latino supermarket. 

About Megascope

Caleb started Megascope because he saw a need. Business Intelligence solutions are oriented toward helping companies move product, close leads, and maximize profit. While those goals are good, he found that the organizations in his circles—mostly nonprofit and government agencies—were underserved by the "generic" version of business analytics.  

In his capacity as data lead for a statewide 211 service, he began to see that with intentional design choices and judicious use of coding, Power BI could serve as a platform for maximizing impact, not just profit. Clear, interactive reporting of community needs transformed the way his organization's data was used, and attracted a wide fanbase. In the first year of implementing BI tools, the data had been used by large and small nonprofit agencies, charitable foundations, local, state and federal government programs, as well as politicians at the local, state, and federal levels. 211 data played a part in targeted decisions about funding and policy across the state. 

Seeing how a single organization's data could contribute to improving things for so many people, he knew he had to take the show on the road and see what other ways these tools and methods could maximize impact. And so Megascope Data, LLC was born.  

Ready to move toward this type of engagement with your data?