Every nonprofit has dream destinations - goals that, if achieved, could supercharge their mission and impact. At Megascope Data, we chart the course to these destinations through transformative data solutions. Whether it’s enhancing operational efficiency, forging stronger partnerships, or amplifying your impact, our custom data work can be your ticket to success! Explore this site to see how we’ve guided others to their goals and discover how we can help your organization do the same. 


Do you have a destination in mind for your organization? Greater impact? More board/community engagement? Increased financial sustainability? Megascope Data has partnered with organizations to reach these destinations and more.
Click a destination, or keep scrolling on this page to see where your data could take you!

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For Illinois’s statewide 211 collaborative, we developed a unified analytics platform that consolidates data from multiple contact centers, enhancing service delivery across the state. This integration not only increases the network's cohesion and coordination, but also amplifies its impact by showcasing the crucial support it provides to the community. Learn how our data solutions can expand your reach and effectiveness.

In Oregon, our interactive dashboard harnessed the insights from a comprehensive climate survey to advance equity within a healthcare provider’s operations. This tool empowered leadership to pinpoint disparities, monitor progress, and implement targeted actions that promoted fairness and inclusivity across the board. Explore how we transform data into a powerful ally for organizational change.

In South Carolina, we equipped a library system with a report that evaluated the real-world effects of their new leave policies. The detailed analysis helped them understand employee PTO usage patterns and the resulting impact on work-life balance, providing the clear data needed to optimize policy implementation and enhance staff satisfaction. Discover the clarity that comes from data-driven decision-making.

Our engaging, design-forward dashboard for a 988 Lifeline provider in Florida highlights the critical, life-saving work performed daily. By enhancing the visibility of these vital services, the dashboard encourages increased engagement from board members and community partners and elevates public awareness of the organization’s value. Explore the transformational impact of visual data storytelling.

Our comprehensive reporting platform revolutionized operational tracking for a large Texas afterschool program, serving numerous schools across the metro area. By efficiently aggregating and presenting data, the platform allows leadership to demonstrate the program's impact at a click, leading to easier grant applications and securing future funding. 

In Arkansas, our data pipeline and dashboards for the 211 Helpline capture real-time community needs, enabling strategic program development and fostering partnerships with state agencies. This platform not only enhances AR 211's operational effectiveness but also serves as a foundational tool for building lasting collaborations that extend the service’s influence. See how strategic data use can create powerful alliances.